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Experience A Real Di-fff-erence in Medical Update Learning!

Triple F CME (Fast! Focused! Fun!)


The result of this tightly focused approach to learning means you learn what you need to know in less time. And because you are not having to rummage through irrelevant information to digest the substance you really need, you also retain what you learn more readily and firmly.


A-Cross Medicine Reviews brings you a far more sensible and effective approach. We focus on presenting only the straightforward, to-the-point learning you need based on sound medical practice guidelines. We do not weigh you down with extraneous material just because it happens to be a favorite topic of ours or because we are so in love with how things are done at “our institution.” Our only “favorite topics” are the topics we know you need us to cover for you.


We are 100% serious about meeting your defined learning needs. But we also know the old saying is true that all work and no play makes things pretty dull pretty quick. So we purposely offer you our courses in settings renowned for great leisure activities, and we bring you manageable half-day lecture schedules that let you enjoy those activities. When you check out our locations and schedules, you’ll quickly see what we mean. 


A-Cross Medicine Reviews comes to you from presenters with proven track records, having a combined 30 years of experience in formulating and condensing medical learning content for accurate focus. Plus, they use engaging presentation styles that optimize knowledge retention. No wonder they’ve consistently earned rave reviews.   

Meet your presenters from A-Cross Medicine Reviews


Dr. Tommy Cross is a former Med-Peds residency director (8 years) and a former Director of Education for MedStudy Corporation, a medical education company. In his 10 years at MedStudy, Dr. Cross spearheaded the development of the Pediatrics division while also managing major components of the Internal Medicine division. In this role he developed, wrote, reviewed and edited education content for both IM and Peds core curricula, Q&A self-testing products, and flashcards targeted to niche learning. He also directed and served as presenter in multi-day live courses each year (with schedules varying from 3½ to 9 days). These included courses focused exclusively on Board recertification, for which he and Candace Walkley, MD (now his colleague at A-Cross Medicine Reviews) were the original developers. Drs. Cross and Walkley were the sole presenters at these courses, which covered 12 subspecialty areas. Attesting to their popularity, the courses often sold out far ahead of start dates. Dr. Cross is a graduate of Tulane Medical School and has previously served as associate professor in the Department of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. He is a past president of the AAP's Section on Med-Peds, a past president of the National Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Program Directors’ Association, and a former member of the Clinical Efficacy Subcommittee of the ACP, which writes and directs the formulation of ACP guidelines for Internists. Dr. Cross is licensed to practice medicine in Louisiana and Colorado and is board certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Adult Infectious Diseases, and Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Clinically, Dr. Cross currently sees patients via telemedicine. 


Montgomery, TX

Dr. Candace Walkley is an Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine (IM) and Pediatrics in the Department of Primary Care at the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Sam Houston State University. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in microbiology from University of Texas at Arlington and her medical degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
She completed a 4-year combined IM/Pediatrics residency training program, followed by a 2-year fellowship in adult Infectious Diseases (ID), at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC). Dr. Walkley was then appointed Assistant Professor of IM and ID at LSUHSC, where she served as the IM Junior and Senior Clerkship Director, ID Fellowship Curriculum Coordinator, and ACGME Subspecialty Education Coordinator, as well as maintained an active clinical practice in ID and IM. Later, Dr. Walkley served as Associate Director of Education for the MedStudy Corporation, where she created evolving study materials for residents and practitioners of IM/Pediatrics, with specific emphasis on review for success on national board exams. Dr. Walkley also has worked clinically as a primary care internist at the VA’s large community-based outpatient clinic in Colorado Springs, and then as an IM/Peds physician in private practice in Huntsville, Texas. Dr. Walkley maintains certification by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Pediatrics. In addition to academic and clinical work at SHSU-COM, she continues to teach IM continuing medical education activities and dedicated board-review courses.

Tommy Cross, MD


Colorado Springs, CO

Candace Walkley, MD


What attendees have said about courses given by Drs. Cross and Walkley

"In my past "live course" experiences, each topic is presented by a different presenter.  If you have a presenter that is "dry," it makes you lose contact with the presentation and thus the information needed to learn. I found the consistency of two GREAT presenters to be the most beneficial aspect of the program."

"I teach Residents and Students and the well-organized manner in which the material is conveyed has helped me to teach better differential diagnosis."

"Without reservation, I would recommend this course to my colleagues…a truly good way to recharge the batteries. It was an outstanding educational experience taught by two excellent teachers of medicine."

"The best investment I made in the last 10 years. The course helped me concentrate on difficult-to-remember academic questions. It also made me feel secure that I did not miss any changes in guidelines."

"Fantastic course… Focused, current, and easy to get through."

"Keep your sense of humor. It helps. :)!"

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A-Cross Medicine Reviews

P.O. Box 38744
Colorado Springs, CO 80937


Toll free number: 1-855-722-7677
Direct local number: 719-538-0006

Fax: 1-855-722-7677


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